That it’s good to be natural

I recently had a look at a blog that I really enjoy, Bodie and Fou, because it inspires me, it is natural and it sounds like heaven in a completely white cosy atmosphere. I was surprised to read deception from the author due to the lack of comments she receives, especially because I personally think it’s really worth the read. I sometimes feel the same type of frustration when I look at the statistics to see that only 2 visitors looked at my new blog post (actually “hopeless” would be more appropriate than “frustration”). In a world where performance, challenge, competition, excellence, outcomes, are critical to succeed, to build self-esteem and feel good, blogs are not an exception to the rule. What makes me believe that I should continue is because this blog is what it is, with its imperfections and grammar mistakes, without its audience and regularity but with a bit of passion and creativity. It’s natural. And it’s good to be natural. The show never begins and it never ends because there is so much to be inspired from a world made of beautiful things.

J’ai récemment été touchée par l’article d’une bloggeuse que je suis (du verbe suivre), Bodie and Fou, qui exprimait sa déception à parfois écrire dans le vide. Je lis régulièrement son blog que j’apprécie pour sa simplicité, la beauté de ses photos et les bonnes idées partagées. Je ressens parfois cette même frustration lorsque je découvre que seulement 2 visiteurs sont allés voir ma page (sentiment de “désertification” serait d’ailleurs plus approprié que “frustration”). Dans un monde gagné par la performance, les défis, la compétition, le dépassement, le succès, les résultats individuels pour se sentir toujours meilleurs et sûrs de soi, la blogosphère ne fait pas exception à la règle. Mais ce qui me fait tenir c’est que ce blog est ce qu’il est avec ses imperfections et ses fautes de traduction, sans son lectorat et sa régularité, mais avec un soupçon de passion et de créativité. Il est nature. Et ça fait du bien un peu de naturel. En somme, le spectacle n’a jamais commencé et il ne finit jamais car l’inspiration est infinie dans un monde fait de belles choses.

May 2017 be the most …


capture-decran-2016-12-31-a-14-43-34 This card was made thanks to Hello Blogzine – another great blog that I follow.


img_8279Carmen – 34 rue Duperré, Paris 9e – 2016 was the year where we made it to the mysterious place…





Philharmonie de Paris



Hotel Particulier, Montmartre – ladies


Processed with VSCO with c2 preset

Loulou bar, restaurant du Musée des Arts Déco, talk to the barmen







A room with a view



New York… the most incredible professional trip ever



Dance. I wanted to start ballet dancing in 2016 without success. I think I overestimated my physical capacity, I’ll leave it to young talents and try pilates and yoga. This picture was taken at the Philippe Halsman exhibition (Jeu de Paume)






Mama Primi – rue des Dames, so good, so Italian and so charming



This yellow kitchen is a private joke. Oh god, I laughed so much at that week end that I gathered enough for the rest of the year.

Supersonic year ever to all of us.


All these pictures are not showing any familiar faces for privacy reasons but believe me, all my thoughts go with my friends whom I shared these (and others) great moments with in 2016; they each have a dedicated place in my heart.


2 thoughts on “That it’s good to be natural

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